
A training seminar was held at the Nazarbayev Centre for representatives of mass media and bloggers


On August 22, The N.Nazarbayev Center for the Development of Interfaith and Intercivilization Dialogue held a training seminar for representatives of the media and bloggers on the specifics of covering religious topics. The main purpose of this event is to assist media representatives in correctly covering religious issues, as well as to allow them to hone their skills in professional coverage of the topic.

The main speaker of the seminar was Acting Chairman of the Board of the Center N.Nazarbayeva D. Yessenova, noting in her speech the importance of using correct religious terms and concepts in the preparation of materials.

At the same time, the following speakers took part in the training: Zh. Doliev, Head of the Department for the Coordination of the Prevention of Religious Extremism in the Internet Space, Committee on Religious Affairs, Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In his speech, the speaker focused on specific cases of publishing materials on religious topics in the media.

During the seminar, the participants received valuable recommendations from leading experts on the correct coverage of religious topics, and also discussed current problems and challenges faced by journalists and bloggers in their work. Special attention was paid to ethical aspects, principles of impartiality and objectivity, as well as issues of religious tolerance and respect for various faiths.

The event was attended by bloggers and journalists of the leading TV channels "Qazaqstan", "Khabar", "Channel One Eurasia", newspapers "Astana", "Egemen Kazakhstan", "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda", "Liter", news sites "NurMedia", "Qazcontent", the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Following the results of the seminar, all participants were awarded certificates.