
Department of Economics, Finance and Administrative Work

The main tasks of the department are the implementation of the strategy and financial policy of the NPJSC «International center for Interfaith and Interreligious dialogue», monitoring compliance with financial discipline, timely and full fulfillment of obligations, and cost control.

Director of the Department: Khamzin Nurlan Aitzhanovich 

Department for implementation the initiatives of the Congress

The Department, in constructive cooperation with representatives of leaders of world and traditional religions, ensures the development and formation of basic conceptual documents and materials of the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, as well as meetings of the Congress institutions – the Council of Religious Leaders, the Secretariat of Congress, and the Working Group of Secretariat. Responsible for the substantive-documentation and organizational-protocol support of the activities of the Congress and its institutions.

Director of the Department: Karlygash Kalilakhanova 

Department of external relations and informational work

Implementation of external relations and informational work 

Department Director: 

Religious Studies Department

The study of the main directions of state policy, strategic and program documents in the sphere of religious activity and interfaith harmony in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Department Director: Tatyana Lipina

Department of Analysis and Monitoring of the Religious situation

Systematic tracking, identification and analysis of the main problems and trends in the religious sphere of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Providing methodological assistance to the monitoring and analytical activities of local executive state in the field of religions.

Director of the Department: Malgaraeva Zaure Borankulovna 


Office of the Museum of Peace and Reconciliation

Ensuring the functioning of the Museum Department, as well as scientific, analytical, informational and image promotion within the country and abroad, creative ideas and initiatives of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of establishing peace and interfaith harmony.

Head of the Department of the Museum of Peace and Reconciliation: Koskina Raushan Abdrakhmanovna 

Department of Religious Expertise

Ensuring the religious expertise; determination of whether the content of an object of religious expertise belongs to a specific creed, a study to ensure that the content of the object under study is axiologically neutral, and also an assessment of the likelihood of a negative impact of religious views and cult practices on followers of the doctrine and other members of society. Google said

Director of the Department: Birali Elmira 

Consolidated Analytical Department

Summing up and analytical work on the preparation of information regarding the implementation of the key tasks of the Center, including the development of methodological materials/recommendations in the field of religion and state-confessional relations.

Department Director: Kasymova Zhanar Aitkazyevna 

Human resource management

The purpose of the Management is to ensure compliance with labor legislation in the Center in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the charter of the Center, orders, orders and instructions of the Chairman of the Management Board, as well as staffing the Center with professional, qualified and competent personnel of the required professions, specialties and qualifications in accordance with the goals, strategy and profile of the Center.

Head of the Department: Zhumagulov Nariman Mauletovich