
What is the International Importance of Congress of the Leaders of World and Traditional Religions of Kazakhstan?

Muhammad Zia Ul-Haq
Director General Islamic Research Institute,
International Islamic University, Islamabad
Excerpts from an interview conducted with reference to Congress of the Leaders of World and Traditional Religions 
The Islamic Research Institute (IRI), International Islamic University, Islamabad (IIUI) has been working for advancing inclusiveness in Pakistan through Paigham-e-Pakistan national narrative. This narrative is based on Islamic human values such as equality, freedom, democracy and social justice. In the recent past these universal values had been disrespected and violated and a culture of extremism, radicalism and sectarianism was propagated, resulting in a strong wave of terrorism and extreme violations of human rights.
The strong ideological trends of the radicalism were needed to be confronted with more effective, strategic and authentic narrative. This need was the main factor behind the preparation of PAIGHAM-E-PAKISTAN as national narrative to address the challenges such as extremism, violence, and terrorism in Pakistan.
After completion of the articulation and launching of “Paigham-e-Pakistan” Narrative on January 16, 2018, Islamic Research Institute, and other national organizations have been jointly working for compliance and implementation of the contents of “Paigham-e-Pakistan” through various activities.
For achieving the objectives of this narrative, a workable framework and a theoretical foundational declaration to serve as policy document was adopted in a meeting of the religious leaders of various faiths, parliamentarians, representatives of civil society, academicians and policy makers held on October 18, 2017 at Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University, Islamabad.
Recognizing the importance of religion in the contemporary human life the Republic of Kazakhstan has initiated the tradition of the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in Astana. This forum is widely recognized by the international community and has become a true trademark of Kazakhstan.
It is evidence of the efforts of the Kazakh government for promoting the ideals of peace, harmony, humanism, tolerance and religious diversity. Experts are agreed that the future of our society, peace and stability depends on the adoption of these ideals. Republic of Kazakhstan is unique example of serious efforts for adopting these values. The congress is an interactive platform for representatives of world religions.
The congresses teach people of different nationalities and religions how to exist together and follow the path of dialogue. They teach respect and responsibility before God and history for the betterment of the ever-shrinking global village.
The Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in Astana, a forum widely recognized by the international community. It has become a true trademark of Kazakhstan and evidence of the efforts for promoting of the ideals of peace, harmony, humanism, tolerance and religious tolerance.
All of these issues are extremely important and urgent to our world. The future of our society, peace and stability depends on their successful solution such as of republic of Kazakhstan. The congress is an interactive platform for representatives of world religions. The congresses teach people of different nationalities and religions how to exist together and follow the path of dialogue. They teach respect and responsibility before God and history for the betterment of the ever-shrinking global village.
The experience of Kazakhstan related to initiation of congress of world and traditional religions affirmed that today we are we are living in a transition world in which dialogue is needed more than ever. Urbanization and migration are on the rise.  We are striving for a more sustainable and equitable path to development. The global security landscape continues to shift dramatically. We face enormous opportunities.  We are the first generation that can end global poverty and the last generation that can address global warming before it is too late.
In times of turmoil, religious leaders can provide a values-based glue to hold communities together and provide common ground for peace-making and problem solving. Through fostering dialogue; by using spiritual authority to encourage individuals to act humanely; and by promoting shared values — as enshrined in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – and as reflected in the teachings of all world religions.
The Congress urged  the world’s religious leaders that they must teach their followers the true meaning of reconciliation, understanding and mutual respect. Religious leaders have an obligation to speak out when so-called adherents of their faith commit crimes in its name. The spirit of the congress is that crimes committed in the name of religion are crimes against religion.
The calls for greater intercultural and interreligious understanding and is a growing phenomenon due to the initiatives such as of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Since 2003, Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions has been a hub of interaction, understanding and dialogue among leaders of the world religions.
The Congress has been successfully able to change differences in to diversity. This is sustainable long-term dialogical initiative that is bringing fruit now. Kazakhstan’s efforts are resulted into promotion of constructive interaction among various cultures and civilizations.
2023-2033 Development Concept on Congress of World and Traditional Leaders is manifestation of standing of religious leaders for fair and peaceful world. This declaration was adopted in the 7th Congress of the World and Traditional Leaders in September 15, 2022.
The document devises general vision for further development, mission, goals, and activities of the Congress of the World and Traditional Leaders until 2033.The declaration urged religious leader communities international and national structure as well as non-governmental organizations to coordinate in order to cease conflict and jointly address global issues facing humanity.
The declaration identifies modern challenges that humanity is facing and clarify that no nation or organization is capable to cooping that global problem and overcome the challenges that threatening humanity. This declaration was adopted by the majority of delegates of the VII Congress of the Leaders of World and Traditional Religions on September 14-15, 2022.
It was transmitted to the authorities, political leaders and religious figures around the world, relevant regional and international organizations, civil society organizations, religious associations and leading experts. It was also distributed as an official document of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly.