
The exhibition "Dialogue of Religions for Peace through the eyes of Kazakhstani artists"


The official opening of the exhibition "Dialogue of Religions for Peace through the eyes of Kazakhstani Artists" was held today in Astana at the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation. It is timed to coincide with the XXII meeting of the Secretariat of the Congress of Leaders of World Traditional Religions organized by the N.Nazarbayev Center for the Development of Interfaith and Intercivilizational Dialogue jointly with the Academy of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The exhibition presents more than 40 pieces of works by talented artists of the Academy of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which (paintings, sculptures, tapestries, graphics, embroidery) are a vivid story about the rich cultural palette of Kazakhstani artists.

The opening of the exhibition was attended by Acting Chairman of the Board of the N.Nazarbayev Center for the Development of Interfaith and Intercivilizational Dialogue D.Yessenova, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Religious Affairs of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Khatiev, Vice President of the Academy of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zh. Ermakhan, President of the World Federation of Honorary Consuls "FICAC" Nikolaos Margaropoulos, representatives of religious associations of Kazakhstan, international organizations, scientific and expert community, media, creative intelligentsia, as well as heads and representatives of foreign diplomatic missions in Kazakhstan.

Opening the exhibition, A. Khatiev noted: "Thanks to the exhibition, we can see how art can convey the depth of religious traditions, strengthen understanding between different faiths and demonstrate the importance of interreligious dialogue in the modern world. This exhibition is a vivid example of how art can become a bridge to mutual understanding and cooperation between different cultures and religions".

In turn, the President of the World Federation of Honorary Consuls "FICAC" Nikolaos Margaropoulos noted: "We are on the eve of the XXII meeting of the Secretariat of the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, an assembly that emphasizes Kazakhstan's continued commitment to promoting dialogue among civilizations and promoting peace on a global scale. The themes discussed at this exhibition deeply echo the mission of the Congress, reminding us that despite our different beliefs and traditions, we are united by a common desire for a world filled with peace and mutual respect."

Following the results of the events, the participants stressed the importance of forming a respectful attitude to religions and cultures of different peoples of the world, assistance in strengthening interfaith dialogue, joint responsibility in maintaining international peace and security.