
N. Nazarbayev Center held an online meeting with the House Of Religions – Dialogue Of Cultures


On September 3, 2024 N. Nazarbayev Center for the Development of Interfaith and Intercivilization Dialogue held an online meeting with the House of Religions - Dialogue of Cultures. The meeting was attended by the Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Swiss Confederation K. Sarzhanov, Acting Chairman of the N. Nazarbayev Center for the Development of Interfaith and Intercivilization Dialogue D.Yessenova, President of the Board of the House of Religions - Dialogue of Cultures J. Matyassy, Member of the Board, representative of the Baha'i community Ann B. Mannen and co CEO of the House of Religions - Dialogue of Cultures K. Mykytjuk.

During the meeting, D.Yessenova acquainted the participants with the activities of the Center, in particular, she spoke about the main provisions of the "Development for the Concept of the Congress of the Leaders of World and Traditional Religions for 2023-2033", as well as about the preparations for the XXII meeting of the Secretariat of the Congress and the Forum of Young Religious Leaders.

In turn, J.Matyassy told about the reasons and objectives of his organization, founded in 2002 in Bern (Swiss Confederation), emphasizing that the "House of Religions - Dialogue of Cultures" organizes events in the field of intercultural and interreligious dialogue, including issues of non-religious strata of society.

Following the meeting, the parties agreed on further cooperation in the field of interfaith and intercultural dialogue, as well as on the organization of joint events.