
Meeting with the Cordova Foundation for the Paradigm of Coexistence was held at the N.Nazarbayev Center


On May 21, Acting Chairman of the Management Board of the N.Nazarbayev Center for the Development of Interfaith and Intercivilization Dialogue D. Yessenova met with Representative of the Board of Trustees of the Paradigma Cordoba for Convivence Foundation J. Sánchez and Deputy Head of Mission of the Spanish Embassy in Kazakhstan B. Muñoz.

During the meeting, D. Yessenova familiarized with the activities of the Center, told about the main provisions of the "Concept for the Development of the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions for 2023-2033", adopted by the participants of the XXI meeting of the Congress Secretariat, and also stressed the importance of implementing this document and promoting it at home and abroad.

During the meeting, D. Yessenova noted the importance of implementing the "Development Concept of the Congress of the Leaders of World and Traditional Religions for 2023-2033", adopted by the participants of the XXI Secretariat, and also stressed the importance of implementing this document and promoting in the state and abroad.

In turn, J. Sánchez noted the key role of Kazakhstan's initiatives to promote dialogue between world and traditional religions, and also indicated that mutual understanding and respect are a powerful force ensuring peaceful coexistence of all cultures and religions.

In general, the parties discussed a number of issues of further cooperation in the field of intercultural and interreligious dialogue.

At the end of the meeting, a tour of the Museum of Peace and Accord was organized.

For reference: Paradigma Cordoba For Convivence Foundation, located in Torre de la Calaorra in Cordoba, is the successor to the Foundation founded in 1987 by the French thinker Roger Garodi. The Charter stipulates that its main goals are to recall the main role of Cordoba in the mutual enrichment of the cultures of the East (Chinese, Hindu, Arabic and Persian) and the West (Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian) between the VIII and XIII centuries, as well as to show positive examples of the coexistence of three Abrahamic religions: Jewish, Christian and Muslim, which united in al-Andalus. The Foundation aims to promote the exclusively cultural dimension of the city of Cordoba in accordance with the principles and foundations of ecumenism and dialogue, but outside the framework of religions, in a universal way.